Kalvin Phillips
Дата рождения 02.12.1995
Возраст 28
Нац. Англия  Англия
Рост 1,79м
Аренда заканчивается 30 июня 2024 г.
Амплуа Опорный полузащитник
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Последняя оценка: 23 янв. 2024 г.
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Kalvin Phillips zu Juventus Turin?

05 нояб. 2023 г. - 17:53 Часов
Kalvin Phillips has been requested by Massimiliano Allegri as Juventus' number one transfer target, and is also highly regarded by sporting director Cristiano Giuntoli, with a view to bringing the player in during the January 2025 transfer market.
According to Gazzetta dello Sport, the Italian club has quietly begun negotiations for a loan deal with the option to buy the English midfielder who under Marcelo Bielsa's guidance at Leeds became a standout in English football.
Juventus has been forced to give up Paul Pogba and Nicolo Fagioli due to the suspensions the players have been handed and will make recruiting at least two midfield reinforcements a priority in January - starting with the Yorkshireman who at present can only watch matches through binoculars from the bench at Manchester City.
Laut Daily Mail will Juventus Kalvin Phillips verpflichten, der bei Man City überwiegend auf der Bank sitzt. Phillips möchte regelmäßiger spielen, Juventus muss sich nach den Sperren Pogbas und Fagiolis im Mittelfeld verstärken. Angedacht ist eine Leihe für die Rückrunde mit anschließender Kaufoption. Die Jahreszahl im Text ist wohl ein Tippfehler. Eine Übereinkunft könnte bereits im Dezember erzielt werden.
Kalvin Phillips zu Juventus Turin? |#1
14 нояб. 2023 г. - 12:35 Часов
источник: thedailybriefing.io
Juve director Cristiano Giuntoli was in London almost two weeks ago, and there have been rumours about players like Kalvin Phillips and Thomas Partey, but from what I understand these players are not a priority.
Laut Fabrizio Romano steht Phillips bei Juventus für das Mittelfeldzentrum nicht sehr weit oben auf der Liste.
Kalvin Phillips zu Juventus Turin? |#2
07 дек. 2023 г. - 10:37 Часов
источник: x.com
Juventus hope to persuade Manchester City to carry on paying most of Kalvin Phillips' wages if he joins them next month.

(Source: Sun Sport)
Kalvin Phillips zu Juventus Turin? |#3
17 дек. 2023 г. - 15:10 Часов
источник: www.tuttomercatoweb.com
La Juventus cerca lo sprint per il centrocampista e in questi giorni sta accelerando i contatti per Kalvin Phillips del Manchester City. La dirigenza bianconera sta portando avanti senza sosta i colloqui con i Citizens e con l'entourage del calciatore: secondo quanto raccolto da Tuttomercatoweb.com, il centrocampista inglese avrebbe aperto al trasferimento a Torino e con il giocatore l'intesa di massima sarebbe anche vicina. Vuole cambiare aria, ora servirà trovare la quadra coi Citizens ma c'è il placet di Pep Guardiola per farlo partire.
Laut dem Portal Tutto Mercato Web laufen bereits die Gespräche zwischen den Vereinen und mit der Spielerseite über einen möglichen Wechsel von Kalvin Phillips nach Turin. Juventus möchte den Mittelfeldspieler demnach gerne für ein halbes Jahr ausleihen, sofern Man City Teile des Gehalts übernimmt. Phillips selbst strebe aufgrund mangelnder Einsatzzeit im Hinblick auf die Europameisterschaft im kommenden Jahr eine Luftveränderung an und würde sich mit den Bianconeri wohl einig werden.
Kalvin Phillips zu Juventus Turin? |#4
18 дек. 2023 г. - 11:14 Часов
источник: x.com
Fabrizio Romano
Understand Juventus have now opened talks with Manchester City to discuss Kalvin Phillips deal.

Negotiations starting between clubs as Kalvin is said to be open to the move.

Juventus plan to offer loan with buy option clause. Man City want it to be mandatory. Talks on.
Kalvin Phillips zu Juventus Turin? |#5
20 дек. 2023 г. - 20:45 Часов
источник: gianlucadimarzio.com
Kalvin Phillips, classe 1995 del Manchester City, rappresenta il profilo più facile da prendere per la Juventus nel calciomercato di gennaio, ma serve l'ok dell'allenatore bianconero Massimiliano Allegri per il momento preferirebbe un altro tipo di centrocampista.
Laut Gianluca di Marzio sucht Juventus-Trainer Allegri für das Mittelfeld eigentlich ein anderes Spielerprofil als Phillips.
Kalvin Phillips zu Juventus Turin? |#6
22 дек. 2023 г. - 10:44 Часов
источник: x.com
Sky Sports Premier League
Juventus have held initial talks with Manchester City about a January loan deal for Kalvin Phillips

The Italians are in the market for a new midfielder next month and are inquiring about several targets, including Phillips and Tottenham's Pierre-Emile Hojberg.
Kalvin Phillips zu Juventus Turin? |#7
08 янв. 2024 г. - 11:00 Часов
источник: x.com
Juventus have dropped their interest in signing Kalvin Philipps because the cost of his wages and loan fee is proving too much.

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